“The less you do, the more of it you can do.” Entertaining talk about how to scale yourself. Some insights: One email rule to rule them all: INBOX TO, INBOX CC, Bosses Set three task you want to complete today
Greg Young – How to get productive in a project in 24h
Greg Young shows you some ways that can help you to quickly identify the painful parts of your software. Data-mine your source control system Find commit patterns that could be bad smells (e. g. islands where only a single developer
Should I rewrite or reengineer a software system?
Should I rewrite OR reengineer a software system? Neither will work. Why? Watch Eric Evans – Strategic Design The problems Switching off the legacy system completely is a bad idea (unless it is really expensive to run) While the new
Uncle Bob explains the Boundary Control Entity pattern in detail
Uncle Bob explains a great basic architecture pattern for designing understandable software systems. He shows in detail how the Boundary Control (he used “interactor” instead “control” to avoid confusing with the MVP pattern) Entity pattern works. I think its in