In the past, I did a lot of Git log analysis on my blog. The main reason is that developers know what Git is and what kind of data it provides. So it is easy to connect to developers then
Some problems when analyzing Git logs

In the past, I did a lot of Git log analysis on my blog. The main reason is that developers know what Git is and what kind of data it provides. So it is easy to connect to developers then
People at conferences and meetups often ask me what I would recommend learning X or Y. Here are my general recommendations on learning something very effective. This time: Wardley Maps.
People at conferences and meetups often ask me what I would recommend learning X or Y. And I’m always happy to give some suggestions! This time: Legacy systems.
I want to get my head straight about Swiss army knife software systems like “Enterprise Resource Planning Systems” (ERP systems). These are really powerful tools, no question, but in some situations, they can cause more harm than good…
Am Jubiläums-Event von INNOQ durfte ich einen Vortrag über eines meiner Lieblingsthemen halten: Die Anwendung von Data-Science-Werkzeugen auf Daten aus der Softwareentwicklung.