I’m happy to announce that I’ve started to bring Software Analytics to students worldwide! As of this year, I’m an instructor at DataCamp! I’ve created a short course for DataCamp’s new “Project” offering. DataCamp Projects are short-length exercises (between
Developers’ Habits (IntelliJ Edition)

In this blog post / notebook, we want to take a look at how much information you can extract from a simple Git log output. We want to know where the developers come from, on which weekdays the developers don’t work, which developers are working on weekends, what the normal working hours are and if the is any sight of overtime periods…
Busy November 2017

You probably noticed that I haven’t published some new content on this blog in November. This has some pleasant reasons that I like to share with you in this post: Talks, Talks, Talks, Talks I did four talks at
A Code Inventory for Legacy Systems

Some months ago, I did some redocumentation work of a mid-sized legacy system (~1 Mio. LOC). Among other things, the system lacked homogeneity, that means there were many terms that were differently interpreted from different teams over the time…
A graph(ical) approach towards Bounded Contexts

In this blog post, I want to show how you can get a first impression on how you can cut a monolithic application into separated components that make sense from a business’ perspective. This method can help you to identify meaningful Bounded Contexts…